

Really happy to learn about your passion and your professionalism in teaching!!  I’ve been learning a lot from your books and your blog!  Go for it!   Sorry that I’ve to use English in the posting, as I don’t know Chinese typing but only copy and paste.   Sorry for the inconvenience caused, please get back in Chinese, I can read Chinese 100%.  I’m so desperate now and I look forward to your help.

Some 6 months ago in Oct 2007, I attended a Skincare DIY Course and I made a peeling mask.  I’ve been suffering from allergy after ONLY one application.  Such allergies come every 2 or 3 weeks, appear on the same patches on my face, near the jaw, chin, forehead and the sides of the nose (NOT the eye and lip areas); I’m quite convinced that my “recurring” skin problem originated from the peeling mask , if not the acids.  As I applied on the very same parts of my face when I used the peeling mask the only one time, trying to stay away from the eye and lip areas.

Here’s the ingredients in the peeling mask (total yield Approx 60ml) :

45g           Xanthan Gum base

5ml          Green tea extract (liquid) 

2.5 ml       Lactic acid  

2.5ml        White willow bark extract (Salicylic acid as I was told)

2ml          Vitamin E

2ml          Hyalouronic acid 1% solution

5 drops     Juniperberry essential oil

3 drops     lavender essential oil

4 drops     Rose essential oil - 3% diluted in jojoba oil

What’s happened to me is that I’ve never used the product a second time (in fact I used only once), but I’ve found the problem a never ending story to me.  Every time I’m suffering from the skin disorder, my face goes really red, dries up, itchy and peels and it can last for a week or so, until I used steroid cream and the skin goes back to “normal”.  Seems that I “knew” how thing goes, though I always try to see if my skin will go well again without using steroids.

As I read your book 《化妝品好壞知多少》, I’ve learnt that AHA cleansers can be harmful to the skin.  Seems that as in my case, the horny layer of my skin has become very thin and susceptible to even cream with diluted essential oils.  That’s why problems come every now and then; once after an outing, the other time, after using a “harsh” shampoo, etc.

I’ve been to doctors (GP) and they just gave me steroids prescription.  I wanted to see a Chinese practitioner but here in Australia I can’t find a “good” Chinese doctor (originated from Hong Kong, I’m now in Australia ).   I was wondering if there’s anything I can do now, to stop the problem from getting worse?   I look forward to your professional advice.  Thanks so much!


首先,我想跟大家討論一下這個DIY的配方問題。這產品中的去角質主力是乳酸(Lactic acid)多少濃度不知,一般常見的有95% / 70% / 60%,我們假設它是95-100%的話,那完成品的乳酸濃度是4%左右。4%的乳酸,在未經任何刻意調整酸鹼度的情形下,pH值將很低,也就是很酸的意思。這對皮膚來說,不是濃度刺激的問題,而是酸度刺激的問題。

再者,整個DIY的原料,看似全部取自天然素材,但沒有任何一樣可以用DIY的方式獲得,全部都是化工材料行才有的「天然」原料!(這一點是我最不能認同的DIY。)這裡有隱藏著諸多「看不到」的隱形因子,兩種植物萃取液、1%的玻尿酸液體,包括Xanthan gum base 都一定含有防腐劑,但是是什麼防腐劑?不知道。








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